Freshly Pick Star Fruit - 6 Fruits in box

Freshly Pick Star Fruit are hand-pick for excellent ... Sold as a fresh item.

Star Fruit pale yellow, juicy flesh contains a few, small, flat seeds and a distinctly tropical flavor. The thin, edible, lime green skin ripens to a bright yellow, with a waxy sheen. Usually sliced fresh as an elegant addition to salads, buffet platters and desserts, Star Fruit is always available in a new jumbo size from Taiwan.

Seasonality: Year Round.

Selection & Storage: our Star Fruit are hand-selected for excellent quality. Choose firm, glossy-skinned fruit with no signs of bruising.

Note that browning on the tips of the ridges is simply a sign of ripeness. Keep refrigerated in a paper or plastic bag for about one week. Slices may also be frozen.

Preparation: Except for the seeds, the entire Star Fruit is edible. After washing, Star Fruit may be enjoyed eaten out of hand or the peel skin and slice into a fruit salad.